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Sunday, June 16, 2013


Lion that is now a Chicken!!!

Permit me to cordially plead with you to stop standing up each time someone screams: ‘great Lions’ and please, stop referring to yourself as a ‘Lion’ because you are committing biblical SIN! ‘Lies and Deceptions’ are all sinful to both God and humans and for the fact that you claim to be a Lion, you are not only lying but also practising ‘deceptionism’. Lions I know don’t live in shambles only Chickens will permit that and you do live in shambles so, you are a Chicken, Lions I know will never allow anyone to ride him off his rights, only Chickens will permit that too and your rights are denied of you almost every day so, you are simply a Chicken, Lions I know are kings of jungle and are never afraid of death, only Chickens do and you are already been engulfed with FEAR so, you are a true Chicken. 

Take a good look at yourself as a self proclaimed ‘Lion’ you claim to be which I know for sure you are not, do you like the standard you have being subjected to? Let me give you a run-down of how your life goes every day in this ‘university’, I pray, God does not VEX with me for calling it a ‘university’, may be it should had being called the younger brother of it;
Every morning, your sleep is suddenly interrupted as early as 4: am by some people who call themselves ‘born again’ I know for sure somebody will frown his/her face after reading that but I don’t care! These people carry Mega-phones to shout all in the name of preaching! As long as I’m concerned, doing that every day does not qualify you as one. They may sometimes decide to use the Mega-phone walking round the hostel, calling on their various members to wake up and join them for prayers. Each time they pass your door, you must definitely wake up because it would appear as if someone came straight to your ear and scream your name with that Mega-phone! I hope you are getting me Chicken? The worst part of it is that there are usually more than eight fellowships calling their members to wake up at the same time as if it is now a competition among the various fellowships. Each of these fellowships has a representative doing the calling. You can imagine the scene the combination of more than eight persons who are screaming and singing with Mega-Phones as early as possible would create-sure, a MARKET scene. May be you went to that dirty bed of yours by 2: am and your sleep was interrupted as early as 4: am, there by having less than three hours of night sleep, hope you know the consequences of that to your health.
You then decide to wake up, may be you join one of the fellowships to pray or you are forced to listen to one of them preach. When the day is getting brighter, you decide to go and queue with others at the tap or you struggle to climb the tank to fetch the water you will make use of for the days’ lecture. What a mess of life! Don’t forget the fact that you sleep on a very dirty, sticky, disease prone, dangerous, mosquitoes friendly foam every night and that your room does not have windows, please, don’t forget all these facts.
When you are done with the water struggle, you are to make use of the toilet and bathroom which I have declared to be the WORLD WORST HUMANITARIAN SUBJECTION TO POOR TOILET AND BATHROOM FACILITIES!!!! The toilet you make use of is so terrible that a white man cannot survive another day if he makes use of it just for a day!!! That you live to see another day after using such toilet is simply because you are a black man whose health system have been forced to accommodate such conditions and also as a result of God’s grace. The toilet and bathroom arena smells, it is dirty, the toilet and bathrooms have different sizes of rats and cockroaches, it is very, very, very friendly to disease and has the capacity to send someone to an early grave!!!
Once you are done with all these hostel struggles and inhuman conditions you are exposed to, you dash out straight to lectures where you learn almost nothing but theories and cramming styles. When it is noon, you are forced to receive lectures under intensive heat with a class jam-parked with students and all you do is auto-fanning system by using your note book to fan yourself and continually check and recheck your wrist watch to know when the lecturer would leave. Does it sound more like you, huh? At the end of it all, you have attended lectures but have gained almost nothing!!
After the lectures of the day, you trek back to your hostel under very hot sun heating you like a lantern placed very close to your face or make use of a taxi which has no air conditioner and you have to continue the auto-fanning system even inside the taxi till you get to your destination. Right even in your hostel, you are exposed to inconsistent power supply and all you have to do is to continue the auto-fanning system to save yourself from the heat attack. You are left to sleep inside that room again. I can remember vividly in the year 2008 when Eyimba football club of Aba played a semi-final match with Ah-Ahly football club of Egypt during the CAF Champions League match, at the Aba Township Stadium. At the end of the match, Ah-Ahly football club coach, Jose Manuel, told the press that the Aba Township Stadium cannot be used for Pig rearing in Egypt!!! The Aba Township Stadium was not as bad as your present hostel room. I wonder what Jose Manuel will call the room in which you sleep now.
I have left you to judge yourself-do you deserve to be called a Lion? Can’t you see that it is better you are called a Chicken than a Lion? Lions I know will never accept such conditions, they would demand for their right. Or are you scared of being killed? Do you even think you are alive? I must tell you the honourable truth; you are as good as a dead person!! Yes, you are, there is no single integrity inside you anymore. Have you ever bordered going to a medical check up? Or do you think that after making use of such toilet and bathroom and after sleeping in such a foam and a room, you think you don’t have inside of you, a yet to germinate combination of diseases which I know for sure that scientists will never find the cure for!!!! If you are truly a Lion then, you should behave like one and stop acting like a Chicken.
                                                                                                            By Prince Da Pace
                                                            I occasionally write for Tribune newspapers


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Author: Kingsley the Analist
Kingsley is a blogger. He is the owner of True Love site and the owner of Kingsley.com. Kingsley love the internet and he is a briliant researcher with interest in Mass Communication and the new global world. He is an internet guru Read More →